Our brain works different.
of the EU population
is Neurodiverse
.. so what do we aim?
Neurodiversity Power project aim to raise awareness and understanding of Neurodivergent at work, to visibilize an increasing collective of people with another way of brain performance so to ensure their work inclusion in the best way.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
These are the results we are expecting from our project.
What are we doing?

Project meetings serve as vital platforms for collaboration, planning, and progress review. They include strategic discussions, working groups, and workshops to refine methodologies and tools. Key meetings include:
- Project Kick off meeting
- Second project meeting
- Third project meeting
- Final project meeting
All meetings prioritize progress assessment, problem resolution, and coordination for further implementation and collaboration.

The C1 LTTA activity brings together peer VET Trainers to reinforce the “Neurodiversity Power” approach and pilot test the Methodology and Proceeding program. Participants, known as “NeuroDP Managers,” will engage in highly participatory sessions to practice teaching practices and share effective coaching methods. This training is crucial for preparing future NeuroDP Managers, enhancing their skills and confidence in coaching peer VET Trainers. Each partner will train 3 NeuroDP Managers during the 4-day LTTA in Madrid, with at least 16 hours of training.

The event will engage HR managers, trainers, counselors, and other stakeholders to gather feedback on the “NeuroD+ Handbook” and “Curriculum” tools before piloting. Participants will actively contribute to improving project outputs, becoming ambassadors within their institutions. Consortium partners will provide testimony to promote the European dimension of the project. Promotion will occur through social networks, newsletters, and potentially simultaneous events in multiple countries. The goal is to develop deliverables that meet labor market requirements and beneficiary needs.