Governing Body and Roles

These roles and governance bodies ensure comprehensive and effective management of the Hub, enabling the multiple aspects of employability and neurodiversity to be addressed in an appropriate and coordinated manner.
Main decision-making body.
- Establish the mission, mission and objectives of the Hub.
- Approve budgets and resource allocations.
- Oversee compliance with policies and objectives.
- Making strategic decisions on the direction and expansion of the Hub.
Implementing the decisions of the Board.
- Lead the daily operation of the Hub.
- Coordinate with the different departments and teams, represent the Hub at events and meetings.
- Report to the Board of Directors on progress and challenges.
Develop and promote inclusion policies.
- Design and implement work inclusion programmes.
- Provide training and awareness raising on Eurodiversity to companies and organisations.
- Develop resources and tools for inclusion.
Research on neurodiversity and employment.
- Conduct research and data collection on workplace inclusion.
- Publish evidence-based reports and guidelines.
- Collaborate with universities and research centres.
Responsible for educational and training programmes.
- Responsible for educational and training programmes.
- Develop inclusive curricula for universities and VET institutions.
- Providing in-service training for foreign nationals.
- Organising workshops and seminars for teachers and counsellors.
Responsible for the management of the Hub staff.
- Recruiting and selection for qualified staff.
- Characteristics of an inclusive and equitable work environment.
- Implement internal diversity policies.
Facilitate collaboration with the private sector.
- Establish strategic alliances with companies.
- Promote inclusive practices in the business sector.
- Advise companies on the recruitment and retention of foreign talent.
Image and communication.
- Develop communication and marketing strategies.
- Manage social networks and media presence.
- Organise events and awareness raising campaigns.
Impact and effectiveness of Hub initiatives.
- Monitor the progress of programmes and projects.
- Conduct periodic impact evaluations.
- Suggest improvements based on the results obtained.
Experts in different areas with specialized knowledge.
- Provide advice on specific topics (adaptive technology, public policy).
- Participate in committees and working groups.
- Contribute expertise and knowledge to the development of projects.