Features and Functions of the Neurodiversity and Employability Hub

NDPHub acts as a catalyst for the effective integration of neurodivergent people into the labour market, addressing their specific needs and promoting a culture of inclusion and respect for diversity at all levels of society.

  • Provides tools, guides and educational resources for companies and employees, helping them to understand and manage neurodiversity in the workplace.
  • Offers counselling services and personalised career guidance for neurodivergent people, facilitating their integration and professional development.
  • Organises workshops, seminars and training programmes to raise awareness of neurodiversity among employers and co-workers, fostering an inclusive culture.
  • Collaborates with universities and vocational training centres to include content on neurodiversity in academic curricula.
  • Conducts research and studies on best practice in neurodivergent inclusion in the workplace, generating data and evidence to inform policy and strategy.
  •   Publishes research-based reports, articles and guidelines, contributing to knowledge and understanding of neurodiversity in the workplace.
  • Advises companies and public bodies on the creation and implementation of inclusive policies, ensuring compliance with regulations and promoting equal opportunities.
  •   It facilitates the adoption of technologies and reasonable adaptations that improve accessibility and work performance of neurodivergent people.
  • Establishes strategic alliances with businesses, educational institutions, public bodies and non-governmental organisations to foster a collaborative approach to inclusion.
  • Creates a community of support and networking for neurodivergent individuals and their families, facilitating the exchange of experiences and strategies.
  • Promotes the development and implementation of adaptive technologies and innovative solutions that facilitate the inclusion of neurodivergent people in the workplace.
  • Collaborates with startups and technology companies to develop tools that improve accessibility and efficiency at work. 
  • Continually evaluates the impact of its initiatives and programmes, making adjustments based on the results obtained and the changing needs of neurodivergent people and organisations.
  • Publishes progress reports and case studies demonstrating the impact and effectiveness of inclusive practices promoted by the Hub.